Edit Own Comments and Markers
In this section you will learn how to append further comments or edit your feedback.

To search for comments in the right-hand sidebar, you can use the following functions:
Search: The Search comments input field filters the list of comments according to the search term and hits are highlighted in yellow.
Sort: For larger documents with many comments, you can sort them in different ways. The default setting is the position in the document. There are also options to sort by Ccreation date, Modified date, Author, Type, and Color. For videos, you can also sort by Timecode and Frame number.
Filter: Select the filter icon
. A window opens with the filter options to make various restrictions. You can filter the annotations by a User, color, type or Status.
If the Comments sidebar is not visible, select the icon in the toolbar to show it. Select the icon
again to hide the sidebar.

Search and open the review, see Find and Open Review.
Search for the annotation you want to change:
Search for the comment in the right-hand sidebar. Clicking on an annotation text displays an arrow between the comment and the corresponding annotation and, in the case of multi-page review documents, the view jumps to the corresponding page. The annotation is highlighted in the review editor.
Click on the corresponding annotations and shapes on the asset. An arrow then points to the content for this element in the sidebar. A context-sensitive toolbar opens below the selection.
If you select a note, the system switches to answer mode.
On the annotation, click > … > Edit.
Edit the comment.
Click Save.
The text field can be edited.
You have changed the comment of an annotation.

You can only change the size, position, color and link of your own markings. The initial shape itself (from rectangle to circle) cannot be changed afterwards.
Search and open the review, see Find and Open Review.
In the review, search for the marking you want to change.
Search for the comment in the right-hand sidebar. Clicking on an annotation text displays an arrow between the comment and the corresponding annotation and, in the case of multi-page review documents, the view jumps to the corresponding page. The annotation is highlighted in the review editor.
Click on the corresponding annotations and shapes on the asset. An arrow then points to the content for this element in the sidebar. A context-sensitive toolbar opens below the selection.
Optional: Change the size of the marker. To do this, click one of the blue handles on the marking and drag it to the desired size. Hold down the SHIFT key when resizing for proportional scaling.
Optional: Click the palette icon and select a different color for the marking.
Optional: Click the link icon and select a new jump target (external URL, page in the review).
If it is your marking, the marking is displayed in edit mode and a palette with tools for comment, style, link and delete appears.
You have changed a marking.